Sunday, February 1, 2009

"We must assume..."

1. Why does the professor say, "We must assume," that Lucy is telling the truth about Narnia?


  1. maybe because he might know because he maybe has been there.

  2. 1.Nobody knows too much about the house and Lucy always tells the truth so he says that because it's the best answer they could come up with that's reasonable.

  3. he said that because since Lucy always tells the truth then he said that maybe there really is a place called Narnia.Also maybe he's been there.

  4. lucy is a very truthful girl and she would not be able to make that up from scratch.

    kyle grace

  5. i agree with adam he probobly has ben there

  6. I agree with Kyle and Lucy was not mad.

  7. the professor was there you learn that in the magicians nephew also the tree they made the wardrobe out of was a magical tree from Narnia.

  8. well porobaly because lucy never lied or thats what the kids tell him

  9. He is explaining that since Lucy has never lied before maybe there really is a land in the wardrobe called Narnia!

  10. 1.I think he said that because all the reasons everyone else said, also because he eliminated the other choices, and that was the one that was left.

  11. I agree with Kyle but I say their was no proof that Narnia doesn't exist.

    By Korbin Scherf

  12. 1. because he knows Lucy is telling the truth because he has been to Narnia.Also because he knows Lucy would not lie about something like that.I also agree with Kyle.

  13. GIve me more reasons and details. Think of more creative responses and how it cal relate with the text.

  14. I think the professor has ben their before and lucy doesant lie to anyone.

  15. I think he says that because he knows that Narnia is real, but if he said that they wouldn't believe him.

  16. 1. because lucy tells the truth always and edmund always is lieing

  17. I think that he said we must assume cause she never liesand edmund lies all the time

  18. It is a classic problem in deductive reasoning. The professor presents three possible solutions based on the evidence the other children presented. You can only conclude a logical solution based on the premises at hand. As no other sound premises have been offered at the time, the only logically sound conclusion was the Lucy was telling the truth.

  19. I agree with all of you guys, or maybe that the professor, Peter and Susan don't want to make Lucy upset? I don't know just guessing

  20. I agree with all of you guys, or maybe that the professor, Peter and Susan don't want to make Lucy upset? I don't know just guessing
